last modified on Jun 22, 2023
This page currently collects information on TextGrid's metadata scheme and concept.
- The chapter The Logical View of the architecture overview document contains a high-level view on the metadata concept.
- Metadata Cheatsheet illustrating which fields are where
- The User's Manual illustrates how to work with metadata from the TextGridLab, cf.:
- The chapter on the Metadata Editor
- Description of the logical model: TextGrid Objects
Mappings and specifications
- Here is a large Excel sheet that contains all metadata fields including mappings to the metadata standards TEI header, Dublin Core and MODS.
- The canonical form for TextGrid's metadata is XML as specified by the schema at This schema, together with its components, is maintained in a git repository at
- TextGrid Metadata to TEI header:
- The metadata editor contains an XSLT stylesheet that generates a TEI header for an object from a set of TextGrid metadata records. The input of the stylesheet is the concatenation of the metadata records that make up the path to the object (ask TG-search for that), i.e. the aggregations/editions/works/collections the object is contained in.
- Generated schema doc – is this useful?
- What of the very detailed Metadatenprofil documentation needs to be ported (and in which form?)
- Most of this information is in uebersicht-ebenen_v2.xls
Metadata Cheat Sheet
Übersiche Ebenen v1
Übersicht Ebenen v2
- Metadata-Cheatsheet.pdf (application/pdf)
- Uebersicht_Ebenen.xls (application/
- Uebersicht_Ebenen_v2.xls (application/