Typical Structure of a TextGridLab tool

last modified on Jul 28, 2015

To get a tool ready to be installable from the TextGridLab Marketplace, you need to provide a p2 repository with your tooling as an installable unit, typically as a feature. A p2 repository is Eclipse's way of providing software: It is a directory structure with your tool and metadata, provided somewhere on a public server. This is also called an update site.

Like many Eclipse projects, TextGrid tools use the Maven plugin Tycho to build our tools. Have a look at the rather simple TextGridRep Preview project that may serve as a starting point (please look at the develop branch).

The root pom.xml defines the overall structure, we only look at some details.


We recommend inheriting from this parent POM. It is deployed to the DARIAH Nexus (see below) and it contains many of the basic definitions used for our stuff.

    <module>info.textgrid.lab.aggregator</module> <!-- plugin -->
    <module>aggregator-repository</module>  <!-- p2 repo -->

This simple project defines three subprojects: The first one is a plugin that contains your actual code. The second one is a feature that simply specifies which plugins and features constitute your project and which are required. This is the starting point for the later installation. The third one builds the update site – you add your feature to the category.xml in there and run mvn package in the root folder and it creates the update site ready to deploy in aggregator-repository/target/repository.

You'll need to specify some sources for import:


    <name>DARIAH Nexus Public Repository</name>

This Maven repository contains the parent POM.




Here we have three p2 repositories defined: lab-core contains the current TextGridLab's core plugins, eclipse points to the corresponding Eclipse release and textgridlab-dependencies contains some external and TextGrid non-lab libraries, packaged for consumption in Eclipse-based applications.

To get started, I recommend copying this project and renaming stuff from aggregator to your tooling name in the various .xml files. Use the Eclipse editors to adjust the feature.xml and category.xml and keep the version numbers in the corresponding pom.xmls in sync. The real development work will happen in the plugin project, though.

(Some older documentation, focusing on TextGrid internal development, can be found on the sub pages.)