Kopie von Features of the Palette
Created on Jul 24, 2015
The Palette includes a range of icons divided into several groups:
- Control Group: With the “Select” tool it is possible to go to any position in the note sheet.
- "Create Staves": creates a new group of bracketed or braced right hand and left hand staves. creates a new staff definition, i.e. a container for staff meta-information which includes meta-information about the clef’s pitch, the key signature, the label (right hand or left hand), and the time signature.
- "Create Containers": “Section” , “Measure” , “Staff” and “Layer” : this group creates new containers in the note sheet which are themselves able to contain other data types. All comprised data in a container results in a meaningful whole.
- "Create Events": “Note” , “Rest” , "MRest" , "Space" , “Beam (group)” , “Chord (group)” : this group contains the minimum unit of elements which can be created within a musical score in the Score View.
- "Create Variants": “Apparatus” / “Reading” : this group enables the encoding of variants, a specialty of the editor for musicological use.
"Create Additions": "Create Slur" "Create Tie" "Dynam" : with this element group, useful music notation symbols can be added to the score.
The pin function on each of the units ("Pin open", "Unpin") allows you to maintain the Palette state even after restarting the TextGrid Lab.
For more details about the application of the Palette, please see the chapter Using the MEI Score Editor.
- mei-palette-additions.png (image/png)
- mei-palette-variants.png (image/png)
- mei-palette-events.png (image/png)
- mei-palette-containers.png (image/png)
- createAdditions.PNG (image/png)
- icon-dynam.gif (image/gif)
- icon-slur.gif (image/gif)
- icon-reading.gif (image/gif)
- icon-apparatus.gif (image/gif)
- icon-space.gif (image/gif)
- icon-layer.gif (image/gif)
- icon-staff.gif (image/gif)
- icon-section.gif (image/gif)
- 004-zeige-Notenpause.png (image/png)
- 110-zeige_Akkordgruppe.png (image/png)
- 111-zeige-Balkengruppe.png (image/png)
- section.png (image/png)
- meise-f1_create variants.png (image/png)
- Bildschirmfoto 2012-01-30 um 11.23.37.png (image/png)
- Bildschirmfoto 2012-01-30 um 11.23.25.png (image/png)
- Bildschirmfoto 2012-01-30 um 11.22.56.png (image/png)
- Bildschirmfoto 2012-01-30 um 11.22.30.png (image/png)
- Bildschirmfoto 2012-01-12 um 12.20.33.png (image/png)
- Bildschirmfoto 2012-01-12 um 12.25.14.png (image/png)
- 004-zeige-Notenpause_3.png (image/png)
- 003-zeige-Note.png (image/png)
- meise-create_events.png (image/png)
- meise-create_containers.png (image/png)
- 002-zeige_Notentakt2.png (image/png)
- meise-old_staffdeff.png (image/png)
- meise_staffgroup.png (image/png)
- meise-f1_select.png (image/png)