Kopie von Context Menu of the MEISE Outline View
last modified on Jul 24, 2015
The MEISE Outline View provides the following commands for editing the document:
- “Undo” and “Redo” to reverse and restore changes in the document.
- “Delete” deletes the selection from the document.
- The “Insert Container/Variant/Event/Additions" operations are only
available when valid in the selected area (e.g. events can only be
inserted into a layer - see the MEI schema) and offer quick access
to frequently used elements.
- The Measure elements can be relabeled by right-clicking them and selecting "Relabel Measures" .
- The “Clone” command duplicates the selected element with default initial values.
- To save your changes, click “Save” on the bottom of the context menu. This button is only active if there have been changes since the last save.
- redo_edit.png (image/png)
- undo_edit.png (image/png)
- save.png (image/png)
- action-clone.png (image/png)
- action-relabelmeasures.png (image/png)
- insertContextMenu.png (image/png)
- 042-loesche-Auswahl.png (image/png)
- meise-toolbar_doredo.png (image/png)